Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Natural Steps Of Detoxification

Body detoxification methods are many and many people use body detoxification because it works in helping them stay healthy. Body detoxification can be achieved by many different methods though they all seem to have the same goals.
It will be easier for you to consider a natural detoxification of your body by first considering and understanding the benefits you will achieve, ie a toxin free liver, kidney, colon, bladder, lymph nodes, and blood creating a body that has more energy,one that is no longer tired, stronger nails, shinier hair, and a clearer complexion.
One of the many methods of performing a total body detoxification is to include ingesting raw fruits and vegetables throughout the time period one chooses for detoxification in the form of juicing. Excellent choices of vegetables to blend are carrots, celery, spinach, and broccoli, you will notice there are no sweeteners or sugar added. Juices such as these are the only types that one should use while on a detoxification program.
Other ways to help the detoxification of one's body is to include soups to your juicing regimen, especially the broth of vegetable soup.
There is one more very important step to remember to do and that is to consume no less than one gallon of water in addition to your soups and juicing regimen for each day of your detoxification, the exception being that if your detoxification program is to be but one day in duration increase your water intake to one and a half gallons.

For more information on Natural Detoxification Click Here

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

welcome to my blog

welcome to my blog about natural detoxifing therapy.